Online Booking Help

New Booking System set up guidelines.

We have some great news; we have found a new booking system for our Fitness classes. It is called Gymcatch and we are starting this from December 1st. This can be accessed via an app on your smart phone (enter Gymcatch in either Apple store or Google play) or a website on your computer ( The site is much more user friendly and addresses a lot of the negative feedback we receive from our current booking system. Below is a step-by-step guide on how set up your account on there and how booking your sessions will work for both members and pay as you go customers.

Initial Sign up –

  • Once you have downloaded the app or visited the website, you will need to register as new user on Gymcatch. This just requires your name, email, and a password.
  • You will then need to search for a provider, Malton Community Sports Centre. Once you have found us you will need to complete your registration to us. This includes, DOB, address, contact numbers and contact emails.
  • Next you will click you have read our waiver.
  • You will move onto the participation questionnaire. Before you click next to complete your registration, click on the link and this will open a new page to complete the screening form. This can be done at any time but until you have completed the screening form, and we verify this on your profile, you will receive a reminder every time you book a session (Please note, this needs to be done manually by ourselves. We will try to keep on top of this but if you have completed the form and are still getting reminders then please let me know).
  • This completes your sign up to both Gymcatch and us as a provider.

Booking Classes – There are 3 ways in which you can book and pay for classes

  • Pay per class – Simply click book class and pay as you go (This will be at an increased cost per class)
  • Buy Packages – Click on Available Packages to see these.
  • Bundles of 10 classes (same cost per class as you pay currently) – These are split into 3 categories due to the difference in cost.
  • 1 – Classes – covers Pilate, ME and LBT – £55.00
  • 2 – Indoor cycling – £60.00
  • 3 – Get Fit Gently – £40.00

If you attend classes in different categories, you will need to purchase a bundle for each. 

Memberships – We have 2 options on how you can take up monthly memberships with us.

Rolling Membership This works very much like a traditional gym membership. You effectively sign up for a 12-month period and your monthly fee of £34.50 is taken out automatically.

(You can cancel this anytime, but this needs to be done manually by us, so you would need to let us know before you next payment is due to be taken)

Monthly Membership Pass – This will work very much like our current system where you purchase a month membership and then rebuy for the next month after this has completed. (You can only hold one of these at any time, meaning you need to wait until it has been completed to then purchase another one. You can not book classes until your monthly pass has been completed and you purchase another one)

Both Memberships work from the date you purchased them and do not have to run form the 1st of the month like our current system.

Once you have purchased the relevant package/packages, you can then move onto to booking your sessions. This is done by clicking on the Calander and this will bring up all our classes. Simply click on the class you require, select book and it will give you the option to use your package you have purchased, or if you are paying per class to enter your card details and complete the booking (Like your personal information, card details can be stored)

You do need to book each class individually, but with your details saved on the site and no questions asked each time you book (once screening form completed), this process takes a matter of seconds for each booking.

You can easily see in your profile all the sessions you have booked and can easily cancel any sessions which you can no longer attend. This will either refund your payment for pay as you go or add you credit back onto your package if using the bundles option.

I think that covers just about everything. I would suggest you look to set up your account early and if you have any issues, I can look to help you through them before we start officially on Dec 1st. You can also visit Gymcatch booking tutorial here:

Any questions please email me – call 01653 605365 or speak with me/other staff members in person.

Many Thanks
